Thursday, May 22, 2008

Specific Answers to Prayer

(Bob Loomis)

I have many experiences of answered prayer but this one happened to me when I was at a low point in my life and needed help.

I was divorced and living with my mother. I was a newly saved Christian so my prayer experience was limited. I needed to move from my mother’s house, but where? I asked God to help me in 2 ways. Show me a place I could move into and also make it so I don’t pay more than $400 a month which was what I could afford and still give God His tithe.

So I asked around and there was no place out in the area for that price. Then, one day soon after my boss said that one of the company owned houses (I work for Aquarion Water Co. and they have caretaker homes) was up for rent. An employee had moved out. It was in the Saugatuck area of Weston on the reservoir. So I went to look at it. It seemed perfect except it would cost me over $500 in rent. Also, because my daughter was still in school in Shelton, Ct it would mean I would have to drive all that way everyday, because I was involved with her after school activities. So I prayed about it. God told me that if I took that house I would be going against His wishes. I knew this because I felt uneasy about taking this house and I knew I could not give God his due. So reluctantly I decided not to take it and listen to God.

Well as soon as I did that, God, within 2 or 3 days, answered my prayer. My company was willing to let me rent a house that was not a caretaker house but a regular rental (at the time they were getting $1500/month from the tenant). My company further told me they would let me rent it for $390/month if I would also just watch the property for trespassers and illegal dumping. Of course I said yes. Then, I immediately got down on my knees and thanked God. The house is in Fairfield near the Blackrock Turnpike but in a wooded area. It is near the Hemlocks reservoir and you can see it from my house. I have a large barn on the property for storage and acres and acres of wooded space.

God wants to bless us. But He can’t bless us if we are not willing to seek Him with prayer.

Please leave a comment here about how God has answered your prayers, or questions you have about answered prayer.


Anonymous said...

Praise God he hears all prayers and answers all of them. In his time and his way. it may be yes, no or wait. God has answered a prayer for healing of cancer where surgery was not an option for a loved one. He saw my husband just recently thru heart surgery.Years ago I prayed to know who God was and he worked out all the details.
I also just had to ask him to forgive me for harsh words I said to a very good friend. I totally went on my fears and emotions and said things I shouldn't have. I knew I had to go to God first and ask forgiveness and then ask forgiveness from my friend. He was forgiving and gave me courage to ask for forgiveness from my friend.
God does answer when we ask,but we must ask according to his will.
May all your prayers be yes and amen.
Cindy Slosson

Don H said...

What a fantastic example of God's timing! Thank you for sharing, Bob!

Anonymous said...

I can absolutely share an amazing answer to prayer but before doing that , I must add that believing God will answer our prayer is another step in the process of praying in His will. Part of this is knowing that everything happens in His time and according to His purpose that He has for us. We are a small part of the much bigger picture.

I have struggled with an eating disorder for over 30 years. In February, I became ill and had no desire to eat a thing for 2 days. During that period of time I prayed to God that if I had to feel ill for the rest of my life to get rid of this ugly addiction, I was willing to suffer.

You see, I was anorexic at age 10 and added bulimia to my list at age 18. Anyway, I had told my husband 6 years ago that the Lord would heal me. I was not going to take drugs or go into a treatment program. I even considered Higher Ground, but never made a meeting. I just trusted God.

Back to my story...I felt better after my 2 days of utter nausea and never battled bulimia again. About 4 days into my new found life, God told me to keep track of each new day I was a new person.

Easter Sunday was day 40!!!!!!!

Today, May 22 is day 100!!!!!!!

Now that's the Lord!!!!!!!


May you all experience God's unfailing mercy and be truly blessed.

In Him forever!!!!!!

Donna said...

A similar thing happened to me last year. I had a complete peace come over me when I prayed for a problem and I got and "answer". God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

During the 35 years I have been a committed
Christian, God has answered many prayers in a truly specific way. It is exciting to ask as His answers boost my faith.

I think it is sad when people don't think they should bother God with little things for themselves. I think He wants us to, so He can be communicating with us through the dialog of asking and receiving. It builds our faith so that when we really have a serious need we are already confident that He hears us and wants to provide.

Also, if we are in the habit of asking and receiving we are more apt to connect our blessings with His being the provider of them, not just giving credit to coincidence as unbelieving observers often want to do.

Lately, I have been focusing on God's provision as I am reaching a stage of my life when I may not be working as much and am wondering if I can depend on His provision when I retire. I received a notice from the IRS that I owed $1400. from 2006 due to a mistake my accountant made. I took it in stride and transferred some money so I could cover the check. Before the day ended I had been given a commision check for $1000. that was completely unexpected. So even though I didn't pray specifically for that money I believe that He was specifically answering my question about His provision. I know He will guide me day by day and step by step and I will be more diligent about being specific in my prayers because of this encouragement.

Dr Cho from Korea has stories about this subject.
When praying for some items God told Him to be very specific and consider himself "pregnant" with them until they "showed up". He obeyed and they showed up exactly. I copied this at the time regarding a car and the same thing happened to me. God is so good!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bob's post on specific answers to prayer is encouraging. Like most of us, I too have experienced God's awesome power and faithfulness in terms of answering specific prayer requests. Over the years, everytime I prayed specific prayers, God answered. I may not have liked the answer, but I got an answer just in time! God answered in His time, in His way,according to His will.

As I look back on those times in my life, God was truly blessing me as He works together all things for our good (Romans 8: 28). When He answers, it is unmistakably clear by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God put a few scriptures on my heart to share with regard to prayer and faith:

1 John 5: 14-15:
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of Him.

James 1: 6:
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Praise God for his faithfulness!

In Christ, Kristine

Scott R. Davis said...

Just by walking the walk each day and being around christians who can lift me up and tell me I am worth something, even when I walk far from God at times. My friend says that when we lose hold of God, He hangs onto us just like a cop rescuing some kid about to jump from a bridge or building. God is there.

And from spending time listening to christian music and soaking up the words, led me to whistle at work =not the best for some as Paul Butterfield reminded me on a men's retreat. But at least God heard me today and I am glad to have the confirmation in my heart that I am a Christian. scott

Anonymous said...

I had an experience once where after hearing that my friend was really struggling financially, both my husband and I felt a tug on our hearts. We were blessed financially (meaning we had more money than many of my friends at the time) and we decided to give her a gift of $500 for Christmas.

I felt awkward about the gift knowing that it wasn't really a normal gift to give so I just gave it in a Christmas card without any explanation. She called and had a difficult time expressing her gratitude. You see, she and her mom had prayed for that exact amount. She wasn’t as much grateful to me as she was to God and she was amazed at his faithfulness.

When she told me that, I got goose bumps. I had never experienced knowing that God had used me so specifically in answering a prayer and meeting a need and helping someone else’s faith grow. It was the best feeling ever.

I try to remember that I always have the opportunity to be used by God in answering someone else’s prayers if I would just listen and obey. I might not always get a phone call like that in response, but I can trust that I'm part of something bigger and that God is using me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that inspiring story of a time in your life when you were going through a major trial. I was really inspired by the way you turned to Jesus and did not panic and turn your back on Him. You trusted Him and did not panic. I can tell that you are very strong in the Lord. Your trial proves to all of us that Jesus is bigger than any problem we are facing and can deliver us from it. Some people think Jesus is just a fairy tale~that His promises are too good to be true. But after my own experience with my first pregnancy and reading everyone testimony on this post I will never understand how any one can say that Jesus does not love us. Blessings, Rose