Monday, May 19, 2008

Meditating on Scripture

(Clif Davis)

I have just started teaching music in a Suzuki school. Mr. Suzuki noticed that almost all children learn to speak their native language without an accent. He applied this immersion principle to music to help students become fluent in making music. I believe we can become "fluent" in living the life we have always wanted by practicing spiritual disciplines. Suzuki encourages musical fluency through mindful repetition of the basics. I believe the Bible wants our spiritual muscles strengthened through mindful repetition of the basics as well.

The Bible calls this meditation! God commanded Joshua "do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. " (Joshua 1:8) Paul tells us to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16).

So how do you meditate on Scripture?
  • Pick a location that works with the way God created you (Genesis 26:43). Jacob worked in the fields and meditated there…where can you regularly chew over God's ideas?
  • Pick a Scripture....
  • Ask God for help (James 1:5). The Holy Spirit is your personal tutor! (John 16:13)
  • Involve your mind: Think over and over again (Philippians 4:8). Do you understand the point? If not, ask God to make the meaning clear....
  • Involve your heart: How can God set your affections on things above? (Colossians 3:1-2) How does this Scripture help you love God more? Hate sin more? We need more than head knowledge, we need God's power to change how feel/believe and live....
  • Memorize! (Psalm 119:11) Then God can draw your attention to God's Word even when you are driving, waiting at the doctor's office, in the middle of a jam....
  • Have an attitude of respect for the author and delight in what God has to say (Psalm 119:16).
  • Talk about scripture with others as one way of God influencing you (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
  • Ask God if there is one particular truth for you today. Relate it to what you already know from God's Word. Ask God to relate it to real events in your life today.
Pick a passage (a psalm, John 15, a chapter of Proverbs) and experiment. Comment here and tell us how it is going! If you have some additions to the list above, let us know that too!


Anonymous said...

I have chosen to meditate on a verse that will help me in the job of motherhood. "For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding"(Proverbs2:6). God is the only one that can give a mother the answer to all problems that arise in our children's lives. I am really going to work on memorizing this verse~it seems to be just what I need at this time. Blessings, Rose

Anonymous said...

I was meditating on my scripture verse:For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding~Proverbs2:6~The Lord helped me realize that I have to be willing to take His advise and do what He tells me to do to gain wisdom. If I let my pride get in the way I will never gain wisdom. I need to choose to give myself to Jesus in a humble way so that I am teachable. I have not been on my knees praying to Jesus since college~at mass I was always on my knees praying~but I was doing it because it was expected of me and not because I freely chose to do it. It feels so freeing now to be on my knees praying. Praying that Jesus gives me wisdom to make the right decisions~to make decisions in my life that will honor Him and bring happiness to my Lord and Saviour. I know King Solomon asked for wisdom and I can understand why. God bless you, Rose