(Clif Davis)
This is the last new entry in this particular blog. We will be closing the comment section of this blog as well. It is not that we think as individuals or as a church that we have the disciplines down pat. Instead, we want to allocate our resources this summer to more than maintaining this blog.
If you would like to have more conversations with people about spiritual things, be bold and start some! I am glad for those who had some conversations on-line that I could read!
If you need more godly input into your life, keep in step with the Spirit and take the next step. Perhaps a summer Bible Study, or a one night a week volunteering with a homeless shelter, or mentoring a younger Christian, or talking with Jehovah’s Witnesses or… Feel free to chat with us (in person, phone or email) at the church and we can connect you with people so you are not going alone.
Before I sign off, I would like to thank all the readers, writers, and those who left comments. Thanks as well to the staff and elders for including the Spiritual Disciplines as part of our year of learning to love well. Thanks to members of the Technical Arts Ministry and others who did the behind the scenes work that make technology a tool we can use to further God’s kingdom.
Let’s keep talking about how you are keeping in step with the Spirit.
thanks for your hard work Clif and Ken in having this be a valuable resource for trinity. may God bless you for your efforts. scott
Yes thank all of who were involved in making the Spiritual Disciplines Blog possible. It made me think differently about many things for the best. I really hope you do it again,I really enjoyed it.
God bless
C. Slosson
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