Sunday, May 18, 2008


(Dave D)

Imagine God actually speaking with you every day! More than that, imagine learning to hear Him speak through Scripture. God's Word is living and His spirit guides us into His truth. What did you learn from today's sermon? What questions do you have about "Stop, Look and Listen?"


Scott R. Davis said...

I find it hard to discern God's voice when I read the scripture since I like to talk and also find myself saying words in my head.

One verse from 2 Tim 3:16 is important and was not included in the sermon. It reads that "all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." And if one makes a memory device from it, it represents God's TRaCT for us as well.

I will try to listen and discern for God and share what He has shown me.

julie said...

I appreciated Pastor Dave's thoughts on the role of Scripture in clarifying thoughts that come from our own selves (or others) as opposed to God's Spirit. When I have an idea, hear a sermon, or am taught a theory, etc., I am always grateful to have the standard of God's Word to highlight the truth or untruth of it.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Dave's sermon was very insightful today. I never thought of looking back to people in the bible that have faced the same kinds of trials,joy,tragedy,shame etc. that I face today. To read about how these people handled their own situations~to learn from them how to love God with all our hearts and that whatever the outcome it is for our good and His glory. The only thing I did not understand is that the prophets,judges,apostles,etc, are all dead and we can learn so much from their lives~like Cain and Able~but we are not supposed to talk with the dead~Just with Jesus. I know Pastor Dave did not mean to talk with the dead~but what did he mean when he said something like~"do you hear from Able?" Is that what he said or did he phrase it differently? Can someone let me know? I know he wanted us to learn that jealousy can end in sin and death~just what Satan loves.
I really loved the way he mentioned having a date with Jesus. I look forward to waking up early and having my alone time with Jesus. I even try to make it as cozy and welcoming as possible. I light my pretty candle~hold my cup of tea~and have Jesus talk with me through His word. I always knew I needed Him as my Saviour~but I never realized that He looks forward to our "dates" just as much as I do. To call it a date makes it feel more special somehow~like I am his bride and He is my bridegroom. It is sort of like we are best friends and He knows everything about me and still He loves me! Where else can we find true love like that in this world? Not anywhere I know of. I have learned that a relationship with Jesus does not just come about overnight~it has to be nurtured and protected.
I have never heard God's voice except when I was pregnant with my first child and the so called "specialists" were telling me to have an abortion looked at me like I was a monster to want to try to bring a child into this world who would have severe medical troubles and suffer. I started feeling guilty about not having an abortion! God spoke to me in a dream saying"the baby will be fine". That was all I needed~I knew whatever God's will was for this baby that she would have the joy of the Lord and that is what kept me on track.
Today I seem to know what He wants of me by the way I feel. He communicates to me through my emotions~he helps me feel peace in the mist of trials~to learn to rest in Him~that we have all eternity to rest~now is a time to work for the Lord and share the good news. It is a feeling so wonderful that He lets me feel~that I really want to cry over the Joy He allows me to feel~and anyone who know me~knows it takes a horrible tragedy for me to shed a tear~and yet He can get me to feel again.
This is for Scott~I think I remember Pastor Dave saying that all scripture is God breathed in his sermon and that it is to be used for teaching if we allow ourselves to be teachable and not let our pride get in the way. He just did not give the chapter and verse and who said it. I will memorize this verse that you quoted from Timothy~a verse that leads us into a right relationship with God. Blessings, Rose

Anonymous said...

When you are trying to make a decision about something, how do you use the Bible to hear what God wants you to do? I understand that you can learn what types of things God wants for us or doesn't want for us, but what about with a specific situation where all options appear to be "right"? Do you just pray and open the Bible? I've never understood how to do this. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous~to answer your question I personally go to another Christian to help me out with reaching an answer that would be honoring to Jesus and give Him glory. We pray about it first and then just keep on praying for answers. I hope this helps. Blessings to you, Rose
P.S. I also open my bible and try to find how Jesus would decide~what would Jesus do in a situation where all options appear to be right. If my decision does not honor God or have Him look upon me as His good and faithful servant than I know His answer is no.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pastor Dave for letting the Holy Spirit guide you. The sermon was awesome.

I am always learning from God. Sunday's sermon just reiterated the fact that when God speaks, whether through His word or when He speaks to me directly, I need to listen.

He sometimes speaks very quietly. But sometimes, He just wakes me up with a jolt that can only be from HIM!!!!!!! Thank you Lord for that clarity.

May you all be richly blessed with the heart, mind, soul, and ears, to hear the word that God speaks to you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marylou that God sometimes wakes us up with a jolt to get our attention! I call it the Shofar~the ram's horn that was used in the announce the Lord presence~going into battle~time for repentance etc. When I am not listening like I need to~God seems to blow the Shofar horn at me to get me back on track~to get me on His path. It shows me how much He loves me to do this~a song,a loud horn from a car telling me it's green~a cop's car pulling me over~God has saved me so many times with His shofar~from complete disaster and I will never forget. Blessings, rose